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Self portrait

Daniel Bromberg


In my youth I was dedicated to sport and played handball at professional level in one of Sweden’s best handball teams, where I also served as captain of the team.

Daniel was voted the best defender in Sweden for his age group.
— Lasse Jonasson, Sörmland Team State handball trainer

University years

I studied business administration at the university in Stockholm. My major was in Marketing and Organisational behaviour. I graduated with a Master of Science in Business administration (MSc.) after completing 5 years of full time studies. As part of my graduate classes I participated in an exchange program with Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College, NYC. I graduated with excellent grades.

Daniel was an excellent student and quickly managed to understand complex subjects. He always aims for excellence and was also a great “study buddy” - never getting tired of explaining and aiming to truly understand the topics.
— Daniel Ahrenby, Stockholm University study colleague


After graduation I decided to move to Tel Aviv, Israel, to start my professional career and to play handball professionally.

My first job was with an Israeli software provider (Playtech PLT, traded at the London Stock Exchange) for gaming companies that helped scale the businesses with a cutting edge platform for analytics, CRM, customer service and traffic generation.

I ended up staying in Israel for 7 years. For more information about my professional career please check out either my Linkedin profile or the CV page.

I met my wife in Tel Aviv and our first child is born there. Once we started building a family we realised we wanted to move back to Europe to be closer to our families.

Currently we live in Berlin.